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Prelude: Prelude on the Introit of Epiphany, Maurice Duruflé
Processional hymn: O come, all ye faithful, #83, The Hymnal 1982
Sequence hymn: Love came down at Christmas, #84, The Hymnal 1982
Vs. 1-2 before the Gospel, vs. 3 after the Gospel
Offertory: Angels we have heard on high, #96, The Hymnal 1982
Presentation hymn: My God, thy table now is spread, #321, The Hymnal 1982, vs. 1
Communion hymn: What child is this, #115, The Hymnal 1982
Recessional hymn: Joy to the world!, #100, The Hymnal 1982
Postlude: God rest you merry gentlemen, Rebecca Groom te Velde